Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Craft Project

From a mysterious slot in the white void slides a black ball. After that, another and another until there is a continuous appearance of the dark objects falling swiftly to the ground. Upon impact, each ball will shatter into hundreds of smaller balls, most of which will collect at the bottom of the space. Only a few will break away and be flung high enough to reach the top.

In choosing between lines and points as my medium, I decided to go with what I thought could communicate more weight. Sure, a line could have fallen and then broken into a lot of little lines in my story, but the ball shape allowed for the breaking point to be much more explosive. The pieces could fly, bounce, and roll every which way. I didn't think a line could communicate that as effectively.

The photographs have made the story much more dramatic. The first photo, being out-of-focus, makes the origin of the circles mysterious. Bright lighting on certain parts of the box create a great contrast to the dark shadows, making the story more intense. Intensity is also added by angles that are never straight-on views. The balls are falling to their demise. But, in the fifth panel, the small pieces fly up into brightness. The last photo shows a few of those pieces in another out-of-focus shot, suggesting that they are now in an ethereal, possibly happy state.

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