Wednesday, January 30, 2013

55 Years of the Brick

Imagine a movie

Here's some more awesomeness in the form of minimalistic Lego advertising (I previously posted another great set of Lego ads here). This time, Lego is celebrating 55 Years of the Brick by releasing these fun ads depicting movies, books, stories, bands, and songs using as few Lego pieces as possible. Try to figure them all out.

Imagine a band

Imagine a movie

Imagine a movie

Imagine a children's story

Imagine a book

Imagine a movie

Imagine a book/movie

Imagine a children's story

Imagine a children's story

Imagine a band

Imagine a children's story

Imagine a movie

Imagine a movie

Imagine a movie

Imagine a story

Imagine a movie

Imagine a children's story

Imagine a movie

Imagine a movie

Imagine a song

Imagine a children's story

Imagine a song

Imagine a band

Even more can be found on the Tumblr page linked below.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Strange and Hypnotic GIF Animations

These mysteriously elegant GIF animations by Croatian artist Paolo (aka Patakk). Each hypnotizing piece seems to suggest something alive, whether it be energetically active like an explosive chemical reaction or subtly gentle like a strange creature at rest. At any rate, they are well worth a look. Here are my favorites, but more can be seen on his site linked below.