Sunday, August 19, 2012

Typographic Inspiration 8/20/12

(via Buamai)

People Type

This is an old piece of mine from junior year of undergrad. All of the letters are constructed from silhouetted photographs of my classmates (I make special appearances as the "I" and the tall part of the "L").

If read straight through, the chart says, "A glance of the eye transcends speech and is the bodily symbol of identity," a paraphrased quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Beer of Summer

Not only is House of Shandy's new (and first) beer the perfect summer shandy, but it is also a cool and quirky design. Take a look here at the label and some other materials... and get some Curious Traveler before the summer's over!

Promotional material
Traveler Taps
House of Shandy Logo

Tenacious Traveler will be House of Shandy's second "refresher" coming out in a few months. Like Curious, Tenacious Traveler will be brewed with lemon peel, but will also include honey and ginger.

While I'm at it, here are a few recent released (within the past year or so) Samuel Adams brand IPAs whose labels include some fun and personality-filled illustrations.